5 Steps to Enduring the Holidays


This is time of the year when the general message and expectation is sunshine, glitter and all things joyful, surely stress doesn’t have a role to play? Unfortunately it does in fact this holiday can be pretty stressful but only if you let it.

So here are 5 easy steps to help you through the festivities with your sanity intact.

1 Be Realistic

This is entirely possible without being the one who ruins the holiday for everyone else. By not expecting perfection you won’t be disappointed, things will go wrong, plans will change or fail but keeping it real will put you in a better mood. So you may not get to do all the things you wanted so what? There’s always next year.

2 Manage Your Time

Holidays are really more about resting and catching up with your immediate family, so try not attend every Christmas or New Years party. It’s okay to say no if you aren’t feeling up to it. Holidays shouldn’t feel like work and definitely shouldn’t leave you exhausted.

3 The Small Stuff Matters

The holidays are the perfect time to show appreciation to all the people who love you love for who you are, try spending time with them now rather than the superficial crowd.

4 Discipline is Key

Many of us spent the whole year working on #SummerBodies and as soon as the holidays start we lose ourselves in the treats, sweets and old family recipes. Like an alcoholic who fell of the wagon, we promise to lose it all in the New Year. It’s a vicious cycle and a very tough one to break. Still with a little self discipline and control we can enjoy a taste here and there and still keep of the calories.

5 Enjoy your Self

In the midst of all the holiday mayhem find some quiet time for yourself. Enjoy your company, go for long walks in the evening, or on the beach by your self. Read a book on the balcony. Seek the peaceful ness of self meditation. Your body will thank you for it.